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Creativity and the lack thereof...

Today on Facebook, Chuck Green, Ideabook shared a WHAT THE CREATIVE WORLD NEED NOW IS ORGANIZATION by Scott Belsky from This is a favored site for thoughtful information about most every topic on earth. My newly realized aim to get back to my artful lifestyle, with total focus on painting, graphic design and basically living my dream has been blocked for some reason. With time off, I have the "permission" to actually be an artist and yet am stumped. I find anything else to do but paint, write or create. Be it laundry, dishes, and cleaning, reading magazines, playing online games, TV or whatever. Sadly my creativity resulted in only a few paintings and handwritten letters.

Inside my head I think I am organized. At least all the files on my computer are arranged well and easily searched. My kind and loving husband gifted me recently with a redo of my studio and graphics room. Everything has a place and is thoughtfully planned out. There is a calligraphy and writing center with everything paper, pens and books. Filing cabinet, book Case, drafting table and easels. What more could an artist want? I have a day planner, though unused; sits at the top shelf of my desk behind books, papers and miscellaneous stuff hiding. Scanning my desk are various piles of books, papers and other useful notepads, cups of pens & pencils. I am struck with the fact that I have all the tools to be organized but really don't know how!

So today the cure from my arrived in form of a change this booklet. PRODUCTIVITY! According to Belsky
“Although we, as creative minds, would rather not think about it, the sad truth is that most of our ideas will never see the light of day. Indeed, brilliant breakthroughs are conceived and plundered in the hands of creative geniuses all the time. But why?"

He states organization and how you manage your energy.
“Contrary to popular belief, organization is not about “neatness,” it is about efficiency and allowing yourself to take action as swiftly as possible.”

So I won’t rob your of the joy of reading his paper directly. I will say that this paper is now my daily read until it gets into my psyche that I must CHANGE THIS in myself. No one else will do it for me, I must make it happen myself. With a smile on my face, I remember the words from my friend Wael Sharaf when we sat discussing a small art fair I was organizing in 1997. He suggested taking it up a notch and holding it as his Hotel with ballrooms and sponsors, rather than the compound we lived on. By the look on my face, he must have seen my fear and stated quickly “You make it happen!” That I did. From that tiny seed thought, bloomed a giant oak tree of events. The fair became an International Art Exhibition, with magical consequences for everyone involved. I made lifelong friends with artists and that show brought healthy impact on the community.

So, what is this paper asking from this Creative soul? Not for me to be tidy or neat. What artist is? If you look at my once tidy and new studio – it is now filled in with many bits and pieces as well as projects begging to be finished! It’s a challenge to actually pull forth the ideas in my head about painting series, graphic design products, and marketing themes for AmalgamArts.

Scott Belsky writes in conclusion,
“It is a shame that most ideas never see the light of day. We all suffer as a result. Those of us with the gift of creativity must learn to serve as stewards in the execution of our ideas.”

You see it is not for lack ideas or inspiration, it’s that I need organization. Only organization redefined. It’s not about tidy, but productivity, process and responsible execution of ideas. This paper is simply challenges to make that happen NOW!
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality

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