It seems society/media/greed-mongers have set the focus on making money rather than the art itself. They make stars use them up and spit them out when another comes along. I feel like creatives are left in the dust of this machine. The media machine tells us who is famous or popular, reality TV in truth is not so real after all, and they make stars out of babies who haven't enough skill or maturity to contain the pressure of being a star... True creativity fights the corporate image and branding of PEOPLE who create art, music and the like.
Just think if all the creative folk in the world simply focused on their art, craft or music or trade in a way that brings not only joy and value to our lives. I believe it would bring renaissance and balance to our world. For once those of us who work hard to polish our skills, talents could share our visions in a way that's real. In cafe's, arts in the park, face to face with those who love art... somehow WE must take ART back to the people!
So what is the solution if you aren't in the Starmaking Machinery?
Case in point- Who would argue that Joni Mitchell is indeed the star not only lyric and music, but painting? Yet several years ago she was turned down by a major recording label? At that point she called the music business and its star-making machinery a "cesspool."
It's time to Stop,Think, & Ask:
What about the celebrity status of movie stars & now political figures?
• do they have the answers?
• how did movies, tv and "celebrity worship" get so out of hand?
• what exactly do celebrities do to give life quality and content?
• what is the standard of measure of who is a star and who is not?
Now think about your own art, craft, music or trade:
• what is it about your "gift" that makes you keep going?
• what happens to keep you from doing what you love?
• will the money follow or is it a myth?
• if money is not the issue, what is our creativity there for?
• would you still paint, write, create, compose if there were no money?
I would love for your comments to be added here. This is a huge conversation creative folks should have. Do we let the future of artists stay in the hands of the machinery? Makes me think of the band RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE...(FYI- i am in no way aligned with their political stances, just like their music and name!)
Shall we do the same?
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