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David Beckham - Sharpie?

so i admit that i didn't know who david beckham is. at first i thought he was picked for sharpie commercials because of his tatoos. the commercials were asking for autographs so that is a CLUE he is famous. while blackberry messaging with my son, i asked him. he said EVERYONE knows who beckham is. he's a soccer player. Everyone that is except me. till now.

i even asked my assistant who said he's hot. weird. i seem to be way behind on who is hot and who isn't. seems celebrities even though they are in sports come and go as fast as new car models each year. which brings me to the topic i want to get to...

why isn't an artist on the commercial? i guess no one would ask for an autograph. how about the website? having someone drawing with these reMARKable pens would be cool.

sadly ARTIST'S are not marketable it seems. only movie stars and sports heros. somehow artist have lost their place in the hall of fame. except those who are actually famous... but dead now. like picasso. too bad. celebrity worship will have it's end when people get tired of their empty lifestyle on the backs of those who pay their "addictions."

Perhaps someday art will have it's place in the sun as when the Spaniard was at his peak!

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