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Living a Creative Life

To live a creative life, you must lose your fear of being wrong.
 -Joseph Chilton Pearce

1976 Still Life

The first steps I took towards becoming a painter in art was taking classes by professional artists who made a living from their art. I chose against Art College or degrees, because I rarely saw any professor famous for their art. I did read about the artists who became great for their passion to paint, create and show their work simply because they had nothing else but that. Can you imagine that several of the greatest artists were rejected by schools of art?

During the years of learning to draw, mix colors and paint I copied other artworks, still life settings and practiced all the time wondering when it would simply just flow. Teachers gave instruction, but it was up to me to draw from that inner well of creative fires. Years of classes passed and fear of making mistakes took its toll. I would shrink sitting in front of blank canvases, fearful that I had no ideas or that it wouldn't turn out a masterpiece. I simply gave up art.

Then a incredible time arose when living overseas. I met another artist who showed me how to break out of being a camera artist of perfection and make friends with mistakes and lessor works. We simply just worked on painting whatever came into our heads. The cloud of fear lifted and the flow now unclogged, trickled small works at first.  Just like priming a dry water pump takes some patience and and time, the flood of amazing art sprung into existence the more I worked my arts.

All fears set aside, mistakes were now blended into every painting created. I lost my fear of being wrong, lessor or a failure. I live the creative life in joy.

You can see my earlier works in this gallery which opened today:

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