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Seth Godin: Maybe you can't

make money doing what you love...
it's funny to stumble across this topic. last week i was thinking about what Joseph Campbell said about FOLLOWING ONE'S BLISS - to which some have added "the money will follow." I stopped to remember that he lived off the riches of others. J. Campbell never had a real job, basically was a mooching off of others hospitality. So he followed his bliss - thought and wrote books, at the cost others who gave without thought. Or did they?

I thought about my own art. At first I sold works at fairs, shows and such just to make a few dollars. The cost of frames, supplies and time involved paled in what came as income. I realized to be paid as artist on needed to be commercial. Sort of like Thomas Kinkade. Many artists caved into the gallery circuit, creating cookie cutter art for recognition and sales.

After breaking free from shows, my gallery is in my home, closet and studio. This way I can paint, draw and create whatever comes forth without distraction. If people like it fine. If they don't fine.

Now back to Godin's blog. He wraps it up with this passage:

Maybe you can't make money doing what you love (at least what you love right now). But I bet you can figure out how to love what you do to make money (if you choose wisely).

Do your art. But don't wreck your art if it doesn't lend itself to paying the bills. That would be a tragedy.

(And the twist, because there is always a twist, is that as soon as you focus on your art and leave the money behind, you may just discover that this focus turns out to be the secret of actually breaking through and making money.)

That's what I'm living. I love my work which supports me while I am passionate about my art.


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