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End the Problem of Blogs With Great Content and No Readers

If you have an underappreciated, underloved, desperately lonely blog, Chuck Westbrook has an idea. He wants to share the love and help the “little guys” get some readers. I think it’s a cool idea so I’m going to participate. If you’re interested, check out his post here and get involved as well. Here's the scoop from Chuck's blog:

This is a problem we can do something about without too much trouble. Here’s what I’m thinking.

Gather some nice bloggers who believe in helping good content rise. The more the merrier. This becomes our group for the project. A good, lesser-known blog is chosen. Everyone in the group will read that blog for two weeks.

At the end of the two weeks, the group moves to another blog to read.

With scores of bloggers focused on a particular blog, the author should see many nice things happen over those two weeks, especially if the blog really is a hidden gem. This includes discussions, traffic, constructive criticism, encouragement, and connecting to some of the bloggers in the group. That author then joins the group and we move along and do it again.

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