As Psychoatrics.computs it
Damned good. And his site is like manna from heaven. He really spills his guts on design and I recommend you take a very good look at it. There are dozens of ways to improve your design and it's all free of charge. What I've read: The Do It Yourself Logos, Letterheads and Business Cards published by Rockport Publishing. It's got the stamp of class all over it and if the rest of the products are anywhere as good, you can buy them with your eyes closed.
His Websites on Design www.ideabook.com lots of good books, CD Templates and clip art resources. I own the Ideabook InDesign w/CD templates, the Desktop Publisher's Ideabook,Taskforce Image Gallery, Color Harmony Guide.
I'd also recommend Chuck's book on templates for flyers, brochures etc. The ready made templates developed by ideabook from the most outstanding graphic designers on the planet is essential on your desk top library.
Most books come with templates on a CD, so you can get your projects started right away. It saves so much time.
Check it out for yourself. His latest Book is DIY Graphic Workshop
Design-It-Yourself: Graphic Workshop is not a design theory book—it is a design instruction book. To my way of thinking, a design theory book examines abstract concepts such as contrast, symmetry, and white space, under the assumption that if you learn to think the thoughts of a designer, you will be a designer.
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