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Artistic Influence

i think of all the people who influenced my life as far as art goes. From the time I could speak and draw, I loved art, crayons and making things. For several years I had five mentors: Terry Kocan-Master Calligrapher, Victor Cox-Watercolor Instructor, Rita Schaeffer-Oil Painter, Nancy Hayes-Artist & Designer, Alex Papale-Art Instructor and Restoration Artist. They all worked as full time artists. I am thankful for their time and training. No, strike that, I am forever grateful!

Charlie Barnes is another friend who snuck me into her college Art History classes from time to time. Powerful influence to be kicked into the study of artists in history.

Books: Francis Schaeffer- True Spirituality & The God who is there. Rookmaker: Modern Art and the Death of a Culture...

: Picasso, Kandinski, O'Keefe, Monet

Contemporary Artist Friends: Gregory Gallo, Mazen Olaiwy, Alex Priess

my friend Mazen... my brother in art Gallo...

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